Thursday, April 28, 2011

TransLab Post 4

                           In this blog post I made an interface design instead of making an Elisa animation. In this interface I incorporated CRAP which stands for contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity.For this assignment I was asked to make an  interface using good CRAP skills. In the blank spot in the middle of this interface the graphics were not included but the interactive area will be happening there.I included repetition with the text and alignment.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Here I present my prototype from SIA Animation project. Since this is the prototype I did not include the animation (to see my animation see the class wiki).

For this design I tried to incorporate the following:
ALIGNMENT-The text, buttons, and the titles were all carefully aligned with each other and the edges of the page.
REPETITION-I repeated the numbers and aligned them precisely.

-On the right top corner there is information on what you have to do.
-On the the side of the Petri dish it has LB Agar  which is labeled already

  -I wanted my project to be very colorful, I tried my hardest to make it colorful...and tried to mix colors that go with eachother to make it look.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


 Hello, I am B.Uriostegui I am a student in the Science Innovation Academy at Castle Park High
I will be using this blog along with my fellow classmates as part of the STAR (Science,Technology,and Research) class. I am participating in the SIA (Science Innovation Academy) because I believe it will help me in the future. My favorite part of STAR class is that what we learn in Biotechnology class we animate in multimedia.
